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æthereal FORGE ™

The MUD Slide

Iconoclast -- New Aurora -- Laws

The predominant "governing body" of the city of New Aurora is "New Aurora, Inc." New Aurora, Inc. employs the Auroran Security Agency to enforce laws and handle all grievances.

All citizens are subject to the same laws within the city of New Aurora, regardless of: being under the influence of mind-altering substances; implants, genotype, race, religion, sex, age or sexual preference.

As the primary body for enforcing the law, the ASA is given full power to sentence and/or fine anyone found guilty of a crime via JusticeNet. Citizens wishing to appeal a JusticeNet finding, or a finding by the ASA Desk Clerk, may apply, in writing, for a secondary trial. JusticeNet and the ASA Desk Clerk will be the sole judges as to the validity of any and all appeals.

Anyone who is sentient, mentally competent and of the age of informed consent may be tried and found guilty of a crime.

A sentient being is any being that is self-aware and able to make decisions on its own. Any intelligence capable of demonstrating undirected free thought is a sentience. In the event that an artificial being or intelligence is not clearly sentient, JusticeNet will be the sole determinant as to the sentience of that artificial being. Artificial intelligences found guilty of crimes are subject to the same punishments as human beings.

A mentally competent being is one which is of sound mind. Mental retardation, insanity, certain illnesses, malfunctioning or illicit implants or symbiotes may reduce or eliminate criminal liability. The sole determinant in such cases will be JusticeNet. In the event that the accused is found to be both dangerous and not mentally competent, such individuals will be subject to incarceration in an institution where they can be best treated.

The age of informed consent is 13 years old in New Aurora. While the "age of reason" is generally accepted to be 6 or 7 years of age, children under the age of 13 have not usually had the proper time to learn the ramifications of criminal activities. As such, anyone under the age of 13 cannot willingly participate in any sexual or criminal activites, as they have not yet reached an age where they can, using their knowledge, give consent to such activity.

New Aurora is a free city, and although it lies within the boundaries of Americorp, it is not subject to Americorp law. Therefore, while within the city of New Aurora, citizens are subject to New Aurora law only. Citizens residing in New Aurora, but outside of the dome, may be subject to some Americorp laws. It is the policy of New Aurora to extradite any criminals fleeing to New Aurora from Americorp to escape Americorp justice.

Americorp and other countries and corporations may lease property within the boundaries of New Aurora. In this case, crimes committed on that property will be subject to the laws of that territory first, and may also be subject to certain New Aurora laws. Citizens found guilty of a crime on Americorp property will face a trial in an Americorp approved court, possibly followed by a second trial by JusticeNet.

Note that within New Aurora, Americorp also employs the ASA to enforce their laws. A criminal fleeing to Americorp property to escape Americorp justice, or vice-versa, will be subject to immediate extraction and extradition by ASA officers.

Victimless crimes have been eliminated in Americorp and in the city of New Aurora. Defined, a victimless crime was "a crime without a victim," which according to many corporate leaders made no sense. Hence, New Aurora did away with the idea, and many things which are criminal in other parts of the country are now perfectly legal in New Aurora.

The following are some situations which are not criminal in New Aurora :

1. The purchase or use of alcohol after the age of 13
2. The purchase, possession or use of addictive and non-addictive drugs
3. Being employed as, employing, or utilizing the services of a prostitute
4. Engaging in consensual sex of any partner of at least 13 years old
5. Public nudity, except in establishments that require clothing
6. Harassment, slander, libel and other "character" attacks
7. Suicide and assisted suicide (provided you are debt-free at the time)

There are a variety of crimes which are unique to New Aurora that citizens and visitors should be aware of. Nonviolent crimes are usually subject to fine, and are only rarely subject to severe punishment.

The following are some nonviolent situations which are criminal in New Aurora:

1. Owning or breeding certain types of animals or plants
2. Unlicensed decoration or additions to city or corporate-owned property
3. Selling addictive or non-addictive drugs without a license
4. Theft (including robbery and shoplifting)
5. Delaying or interfering with activities via demonstration, strike, or harassment (eg. Pro-life demonstrations, strikes, etc.)
6. Intent to commit any serious nonviolent crime (SN)

There are a variety of crimes which are unique to New Aurora that citizens and visitors should be aware of. Serious nonviolent crimes may be subject to fine, but are more often subject to severe punishment.

The following are some serious nonviolent situations which are criminal in New Aurora:

1. Knowingly harming or killing any animal or plant (this includes hunting and farming without a license; any "harvesting" must be authorized)
2. Engaging in the use of any material or toxin which causes second-hand toxins to be released (eg. Smoking, open fires, etc.)
3. Refusal to relinquish weapons, armor or personal freedom to authorized security personnel upon their request
4. Possession of an unlicensed firearm
5. Treason
6. Illegal entry/Trespassing
7. Possession of a dangerous substance (eg. explosives, toxins, restricted substances and items, etc.)
8. Intent to commit any serious violent crime (SV)

Violent crimes are fairly standard across Americorp, although there are some instances unique to New Aurora. Violent crimes are subject to any and all punishments, as decreed by JusticeNet. Any crime involving the use of force against another sentient being is considered a violent crime.

The following are some violent situations which are criminal in New Aurora:

1. Assault
2. Sexual misconduct
3. Child neglect
4. Attempted murder

Violent crimes are fairly standard across Americorp, although there are some instances unique to New Aurora. Serious violent crimes are always subject to severe punishment, and are often subject to capital punishment, as decreed by JusticeNet. Any crime involving the use of deadly, unwarranted force against another sentient being is considered a serious violent crime.

The following are some serious violent situations which are criminal in New Aurora:

1. Murder
2. Rape, sodomy and forcible incest
3. Mutilation
4. Physical child abuse
5. Any and all Matrix crimes
6. Assault with intent to commit any of the above crimes

The ASA is broken up into four precincts, each given relative autonomy but coordinated through a central dispatch office. These are further broken up into squads specializing in a certain area of security operations and lesser directorates. All ASA units are licensed by both Americorp and New Aurora to carry out sentences after an autotrial has been conducted by JusticeNet.

The entire agency is augmented by a fleet of security pods, which more than triple the effectiveness of the available manpower. Security pods not only maintain surveillance of the city, but have direct links to other agencies and can coordinate fire, medical, maintenance, and disposal assets in addition to their ability to summon other security forces when situations require them.

There are a variety of possible nonlethal sentences for those found guilty of crimes within the city of New Aurora. Since crimes are treated individually, exact punishments cannot be matched with exact crimes. Repeat occurrances of nonlethal crimes doubles the punishment exponentially. Some examples of possible punishments include:


Imprisonment. New Aurora contains ten jails, each capable of holding 100 prisoners for up to 30 days, and a subterranean prison (ranked among the top 2 percent of all prisons, worldwide, for security), capable of holding several thousand prisoners for an indefinite period of time.

Virtual imprisonment in a computer simulated environment, where prisoners actually only serve time for a few hours, but their minds perceive the imprisonment as a period of between seven to twenty years.

Hobbling. A "hobble" is a device, implanted, injected or worn, which in some way cripples or detains a criminal. Examples include a device which generates a mild shock if one approaches a restricted area; a cortex disrupter triggering unconsciousness if criminal mental processes begin in the brain; and nanite "chains," which cause excruciating pain and death if the criminal does not receive regular injections to keep the nanites dormant.

Forced indentured servitude for a period of time dependent on the severity of the crime committed and the usefulness of the individual. The type of service also depends on the crime. Some work underground, producing food or running the water and sewer pumping apparatus. Others are fitted with a hobble and put to work in the service industry.

Banishment. This can take one of three forms, and can be for a period of time or for a life sentence: 1. Virtual banishment, whereby one's mind is locked away and remains active while the body is put in cryogenic suspension. 2. Banishment to a specific quarter of the city, or an underground sanitarium. 3. Banishment from the city or country.

There are several crimes within the city of New Aurora that are subject to capital punishment (ie. The Death Penalty):

Serious crimes (treason, murder, mutilation, rape, child abuse) may actually draw the death penalty depending on the severity of the crime. It must be noted that the death penalty is only instituted in cases where the criminal is deemed by the corporation "incapable of rehabilitation," something that is easily determined with current scanning devices and medical equipment.

Repeated occurance of serious crimes (treason, murder, mutilation, rape, child abuse) automatically draws the death penalty. The ASA is cleared to use unlimited force to capture a criminal who is known to be guilty of repeated serious crimes. This "No Holds Barred" order gives pursuing officers permission to use any force necessary to remove the threat from the general populace.

Any use of force against a police officer, or any violence done within the presence of a police officer, draws an immediate "No Holds Barred" ruling, giving that officer and any others in the area the permission to use force to apprehend the offender. Any serious crime done to or in the presence of a police officer, or any use of violence in an attempt to resist capture is regarded as a threat, and results in an automatic "NHB" ruling without the benefit of a trial. Upon surrender, the death penalty is applied immediately.

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