Iconoclast -- RPG -- Icon Generation
2. Apply genotype modifiers
After you generate your raw primary attribute scores, you must then apply genotype bonuses and penalties. Scores can be reduced to below 1 in some cases, depending on the IGS method you chose. That's OK.
Daemon: [-5 PE, PS, PP; +5 PA, MM; +10 MA]
Goth: [-5 ME, MS, MA; +5 PS, PM; +10 PP]
Human: [No adjustments]
Morph: [-5 MS, MP, MM; +5 PA, MA; +10 PM]
Psycho: [-5 PP, PA, MP; +5 PE, ME; +10 MM]
Rager: [-5 MS, MA, MM; +5 PE, ME; +10 PS]
Savant: [-5 PS, PP, PM; +5 MP, MM; +10 MS]
Shifter: [-5 PA, ME, MA; +5 PS, PM; +10 PE]
Spectre: [-5 PE, PM, MM; +5 MS, MA; +10 PA]
Vampire: [-5 PE, PS, ME; +5 PP, MS; +10 MP]
Click image for full-size chart