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Iconoclast -- RPG -- Improvement Points
Experience is doled out in the form of Improvement Points, at the discretion of the administrator (or, in the case of shared administration, by a secret ballot, each player voting points for each of the other players, totaling the scores for each and dividing by the number of players). We recommend a cap of 100 to 500 per game session, depending on your style of play. More can be given out for superior role-playing, but monty haul style rewards should be avoided.
Improvement Points can be spent in any way the player chooses, up to a maximum of a value of 25, as follows:
1. Raising Skills
Skills of any tier can be raised up to a maximum of 25 points by spending a number of IPs equal to the score you want, per point. For example, to go from Combat:9 to Combat:10 costs me 10 points. To go from 10 to 11 costs an additional 11 points.
When raising skills, you must take into consideration that your Specific scores may not exceed your Narrowed score, and your Narrowed score may not exceed your Broad score in any skill at any time. For example, in the following example...
Piloting/Driving(15) Cars(10) Racing Cars(10)
The specific tier skill (Racing Cars) may not be increased to 11 until the narrowed tier skill that precedes it (Cars) is increased to 11 first. And the narrowed tier cannot exceed the broad tier (Driving) score of 15 until Driving itself is increased first to 16. These limits will also come into play during icon creation in the full version of Iconoclast.
Skills may also be raised during game play as the role-play allows. For example, if you practice throwing darts in the pub every Friday, your throwing darts skill might improve. In cases like this, you would roll against a target of your PP or MP (as appropriate) to determine if you succeeded in improving that skill.
2. Raising Influence
To raise Influence, you must spend an amount of IPs equal to the influence score you wish to have, multiplied by a factor of 2. Thus, if your Influence is 10, and you want it to be 11, you must spend 22 (11x2) IPs to raise it.
Influence may also be raised during game play as role-play allows.
3. Raising Primary Attributes
To raise a primary attribute, you must spend an amount of IPs equal to the attribute score you wish to achieve, multiplied by a factor of 4. Thus, if your PS is 19, and you wish to raise it to 20, you must spend 80 (20x4) IPs to raise it.
Attributes may also be raised during game play as the role-play allows. For example, if you buy a muscle graft or consistently work out in a gym, you might improve your PS. In cases like this, you would roll against a target of your PP or MP (as appropriate) to determine if you succeeded.
Note that secondary and tertiary attributes cannot be increased in this manner, since they are derived from primary attributes. However, if you increase a primary attribute, the secondary attributes modified by that primary are likewise adjusted.
4. Emergency Secondary Attribute Gain
In super-extreme situations, you are allowed to spend IP points on the fly, in the middle of play, for the purposes of rapidly increasing your Current Trauma, Current Meta or Current Vitality. You gain 1 per IP point spent. This is NOT Permanent gain; as explained above, secondary attributes cannot be increased directly with IPs. The penalty for doing this, of course, is that the IP loss is permanent, and the quick gain is temporary. But if you're about to die, this is one more way to dig yourself out of trouble.