RPG Main
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Icon Generation
FORGE System
© 1996-2008

Iconoclast -- RPG -- Theatres
Gaming within the world of Iconoclast is akin to performing on a stage, particularly since the gaming experience emphasizes character interaction in lieu of heavy dice-rolling and monster-mashing. Since this analogy will be used often, a brief explanation is in order.
Within the world of Iconoclast, we have what are known as Theatres. Each of these theatres is a specific segment of the Iconoclast gaming population. The group of people you experience Iconoclast with are members of your theatre. These theatres can have specific names based on geography (the Buffalo Theatre, the Podunk Theatre, the Miami Theatre) or can exist independent of geography, as is the case with the Iconoclast MUD (which is a virtual New Aurora Theatre).
Within the theatre, there are a number of actors who perform each night on the stage. You are one of those actors, as are the other members of your theatre. When you are "in-character," you are onstage. When you are not acting out your part, you are offstage.
The series of events that represent the ongoing experiences of your characters is known as the Production. Characters, and actors, can be involved in many different productions among different theatres.
Every time the actors get together to perform another portion of the production, they are involved in a specific Act. Normally, an Act is one session of "gaming," but it may span several meetings.
As one might deduce from the analogy, within each Act are to be found Scenes, during which specific encounters and events take place that will shape the Act, and the overall Production. An example of a Scene within an Act could be as simple as the characters going to a bar to have a drink with their contact. When they are chased out of the bar and head for the rendezvous, they have begun another Scene. And so on.
Such a detailed analogy is unnecessary in most gaming systems. But Iconoclast is not most gaming systems. We encourage cooperation and exchange between actors and theatres, from across the country and around the world. Through our online resources, we hope to ultimately offer everyone who experiences Iconoclast the opportunity to interact constructively with everyone else involved in the project. This includes resources for sharing icons between theatres, trading icons, and so on.